IGF-USA Code of Conduct

The IGF-USA’s mission is to facilitate dialogue between stakeholders with diverse perspectives, expertise, and opinions. This means that a civil environment and allowing everyone to express their ideas is mission critical to the success of the IGF-USA. Behavior that threatens this dialogue may lead to your removal from participation and ability to interact with attendees and panelists in the IGF-USA 2021 webinar and any related social events. If you have an experience that you would like to report, in which the spirit of the Code of Conduct was breached, please contact [email protected].

All participants, including speakers, are expected to:

  • Treat all members of the IGF-USA community equally, irrespective of nationality, gender, racial or ethnic origin, religion or beliefs, disability, age, or sexual orientation;
  • Focus discussion or remarks on issues rather than on the individuals you are interacting with; refrain from ad hominem attacks;
  • Listen and respect the views of all stakeholders of the IGF-USA;
  • Embrace the importance of all stakeholders and seek to understand their points of view;
  • Facilitate transparency and openness. We will not allow anonymous participation in the conference webinar. If you are concerned about your privacy and want to participate in the IGF-USA 2021 as an observer, you can watch via the Livestream.
  • Act in good faith with other participants in the discussion processes.
  • Adhere to the IGF-USA Principles:
    • Openness.The IGF-USA is open, participative, and accessible to all without fee.
    • Bottom-up.The activities of the IGF-USA are based on ideas developed through open consultation.
    • Multistakeholder Participation.The IGF-USA is built upon open, inclusive and democratic processes, with the meaningful participation of all stakeholders.
    • Decision making. Decisions are made by broad consensus, where all opinions expressed are considered, discussed, and understood.
    • Transparency. Participants, decisions, and activities of IGF-USA, including finances, should be publicly documented.
    • Accountability. As stewards for the IGF-USA community, IGF-USA leadership is accountable to that community.
    • Diversity and Inclusion. The IGF-USA strives for diverse and inclusive participation, including people regardless of their gender, color, race, religion, language, national origin, age, sexual preference, gender expression, disability or specific needs, stakeholder perspective, or location.

All participants are expected to adhere to these standards of behavior; failure to do so may result in your removal from the conference.